Our page for jobs at Pricura

We are a private outpatient nursing and care service based in Landau in der Pfalz. For more than 15 years, we have been looking after people in need of care and assistance throughout Germany.

Who we are

Through a holistic understanding, we have set ourselves the goal of maintaining, restoring, promoting and supporting people’s abilities. If the health balance is disturbed, we see it as our task to offer sensitive and professional help – even in difficult life situations.

Our understanding of care involves a planned and comprehensive approach based on the habits, needs and wishes of our clients. We see ourselves as guests in your home and incorporate both your environment and your living space into our work processes.

As a care service licensed by the care insurance funds, all our employees are subject to social insurance contributions in accordance with German law. This guarantees compliance with the statutory minimum wage. We are NOT active on an agency basis! We are always the point of contact for our employees in problem situations and emergencies, because your well-being is very important to us. This requires close personal contact, including telephone contact, as well as regular visits by our specialist staff to the customer’s premises.

“Satisfied employees – satisfied customers!”

Why should you work for us?

Focus on people - older people should also apply!

Our customers are both young and older people. Our customers’ interests are as varied as life itself. Daher ist es auch nicht verwunderlich, dass sie völlig unterschiedliche Wünsche hinsichtlich der Person haben, von der sie gerne betreut werden möchten.